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Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World
Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World: Did Marco Polo Make it All Up?
By John Larner
(Yale University Press, 288 pages, 1999) Price: $20.97  buy it


Every schoolchild knows that Marco Polo had something to do with firing up the early Western imagination of China with his tales of travel through the Far East. But Sinophiles have gone searching, sometimes in vain, for traces in Marco's accounts of Khublai Khan's vast empire of the China and Chinese they might recognize.

Scholars have been especially preoccupied recently with questions and doubts - about the extent to which the accounts have been fictionalized, some going so far as to suggest that Marco never made it as far as China in the thirteenth century, and that the Book of Marco Polo is completely fraudulent. He did not seem to have learned Chinese in his 24 years of travels in the area, nor from his appointment as a civil servant in the service of the Great Khan's empire. And he does not appear in any Chinese accounts of the era. Yet his accounts exhibit a deep familiarity with the organization, government, local products, provincial borders and general geography of a world that very few people at the time could know about.

What are we to make of these perplexing contradictions?

Part Mythology

John Larner, in Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World, has written perhaps the best argument yet that neither Marco's enduring (and arguably undeserving) fame as a travel-writer, nor the authenticity of the stories themselves, matter as much as the real and more important contribution of this book to European geography and exploration. This is a book about a book, its history and its impact. Those who seek to understand the phenomenon and enduring legacy of Marco Polo will find much rewarding material here.

This is not, however, a book about China or China readers. Marco Polo's 'Book' is not so much about China either; Larner describes one version in which only about one third of the pages are devoted to China. Nor is Larner's book even about Asia per se. While mainly about the impact of Marco's work and its dissemination and influence in Europe, it is an important part of the great, long story of East and West.

As Larner points out, and as any reader who has ventured into Marco's 'adventures' will tell you, it is not 'travel-writing' as we usually know it. It is part-catalogue, part-anecdotal, part-mythology, part-epic, reflecting, in Larner's estimation, attempts by Marco's collaborator - his fellow prisoner in Genoa, Rustichello da Pisa, a talented raconteur - to add life to the accounts of the more practical-minded, information-oriented Marco.

Readers of these tales are often quickly overwhelmed by the abundance of detail and confusing array of places and names, rewarded occasionally by remarkable and exotic, if not often amusing detail.

Good Literature?

If Marco's book does not measure up to the standards of good literature, should it not at least be measured by accuracy? Larner, who believes that Marco did travel to Cathay, downplays the importance of authenticity. When considered in its historical and cultural context, it seems clear that arguments over the truth of some of the accounts are pointless. As Larner points out, the early manuscripts of the book that do remain (around 150), all vary, and some by quite a lot. Some of the details in subsequent copying and translations of the text undoubtedly were embellished or censored to fit the prevailing political or religious climate.

The seemingly exotic behavior of non-Christians was presented either in a more positive, or negative light, depending on the scribe (usually a monk) and the intended readership.

So how should Marco Polo's contribution be understood? Larner eloquently makes the case:

"This book has to be thought of, judged, as a geography and neither a work of anthropology nor a travelogue. In this respect, the fact that Marco had wide-angle lens vision, that his close-ups generally lacked all the intensity found in the reports of the friars [who travelled to Asia before him and wrote about it] were positive advantages. ... For the supreme strength of the Book lies in its organization, its steady progress, people by people, province by province, town by town, each with its own peculiarities, distinguished. Never before or since has one man given such an immense body of new geographical knowledge individually to the West."

Larner's own contribution is soberly to investigate the book's impact on Europe, on mapmakers, and the European worldview, and its indirect influence on Columbus. Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Glasgow, Larner has attempted to reach beyond the academic world of Polo scholars to a broader readership. In this he has not entirely succeeded; many historical references go unexplained for the uninitiated. Yet the striking color plates of illustrations and maps from the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance lift this book well above the usual academic study.

Red Eggs & Dragon Boats
Red Eggs & Dragon Boats: Celebrating Chinese Festivals
By Carol Stepanchuk
(Pacific View Press, 1994, 48 pages)
Price on Amazon: $11.87  buy it


Give a child a head start on the Chinese New Year (which begins next February 5) with this charming, colorful book of Chinese celebrations. Folklorist Carol Stepanchuk explains the tales and traditions of five of the most important Chinese festivals, beginning with the Chinese New Year and ending with the Autumn Moon Festival.

Also included are three festivals that do not originate with the lunar calendar: Clear Brightness Holiday (or grave-sweeping day, a day to honor ancestors, picnic, and fly kites); Red Egg and Ginger Party (when a new baby is named and welcomed); and the Dragon Boat Festival (with races to commemorate the ancient poet Qu Yuan).

This delightful book offers simple descriptions of the background and special significance of Chinese customs, folk tales, and easy recipes for dishes such as long life noodles and dragon boat dumplings. Young readers will learn about the animals of the Chinese zodiac and the traits associated with them; the role of the Kitchen God at Chinese New Year (he travels up to Heaven to report on families' good and bad deeds), and the story of the hungry river dragon.

The kids will also discover why people eat fish and melon and lotus seeds during the Chinese New Year festival (their names all sound like other words meaning plenty -- as in plenty of money, luck, and children); why tiger shoes for babies have eyes (they guard little ones from tripping as they learn to walk); and why you'll see symbols of creepy critters -- snakes, lizards, frogs, scorpions, and centipedes -- decorating all sorts of things during the Dragon Boat Festival (in traditional China, people wore amulets of the "five poisons" to protect them from danger and disease in the steamy weather at this time of year).

Richly illustrated with Chinese folk art depicting farm life and scenes of village celebrations, the book is also sprinkled with beautiful examples of Chinese characters and couplets. Children of all ages will be enchanted by the pictures. Children of seven and above will be able to follow the text, which is both educational and lots of fun.

Also by Carol Stepanchuk for adult readers:
Mooncakes and Hungry Ghosts: Festivals of China, with Charles Wong
China Books and Periodicals, Pb 1992
Price on Amazon: Pb $14.95


Secret War in Shanghai
Secret War in Shanghai
By Bernard Wasserstein
(Houghton Mifflin, 1999, 352 pages)
Price on Amazon: $18.20  buy it


After the outbreak of the Pacific War in the late 1930s, intelligence gathering in Shanghai turned from a broad activity aimed at foiling communism and social disruption to top-level spying. As the war spread, citizens of the Allied nations living in Shanghai were often prone to collaborate with the Japanese, either passively or actively.

More surprising, the Allies and the Axis powers spent as much time spying on each other as they did on the enemy. Britain wanted to avoid dragging Japan into the larger conflict, so the instructions given to British citizens living in Shanghai were never exact in stating what specific acts constituted collaboration. Shanghai therefore continued to do business as usual with the Japanese even after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, when war was officially declared.

Bernard Wasserstein's new book, "Secret War in Shanghai," takes a detailed and often chilling look at this cloak-and-dagger Shanghai of the 1930s and early 40's. Incredibly, the book casts the city in its pre-Liberation days in even darker tones than its stereotype as a pit of international intrigue, gambling, seamy sex and drug smuggling.

Sexual Habits

The book achieves this, first, by documenting acts of espionage carried out by the various powers in the International Settlement that is nothing short of shocking. This was made easier for the author by the fact that the Shanghai Municipal Police, a largely Anglo-Saxon coalition empowered to keep order in the Settlement, were scrupulous record keepers. They documented every scrap of information ever gathered on their subjects, from their sexual habits and personal histories to full lists of their known and suspected involvements.

Wasserstein is utterly balanced in his reporting, with the upshot that no sector of Shanghai's international community is excused from their nefarious activities or shown favor. If the reader begins to sense, say, that the British are getting away easily, that is just about the time the author brings out documented examples of British incompetence and treachery. All the foreign communities in Shanghai - the French, Germans, Americans, and Japanese - commit the same sorts of crimes, treating their concessions like little fiefdoms.

Bogus Aristocrat

The book paints compelling individual portraits of charlatans, murderers, and thieves. There's Eugene Pick, the Russian-born gangster who collaborates with the Japanese and, when not spending his evenings at the theater, is conspiring to have his rivals bumped off. "Count" du Berrier is a bogus aristocrat and genuine arms dealer available to the highest bidder. "Princess" Sumaire, another false member of a royal family, is a social-climbing Indian imposter who lived the high life and traded sex for influence, first among Western expatriates, and later, among the Japanese.

Sandwiched between these life stories of intrigue, "Secret War" offers an account of expatriate life in Shanghai that is amply documented at a rare level of detail. The description of Shanghai's various newspapers and radio stations operated by the Settlement's nations and entrepreneurs is especially fascinating.

Missing from this otherwise fine work of research is a map of old Shanghai that would have been helpful. Without it, the reader has no idea which concessions abutted the others, or the relation of the Chinese portions of Shanghai to the International Settlements. Wasserstein's tendency to use French and German phrases without offering a translation is also irksome. Aside from these niggles, "Secret War in Shanghai" is gripping non-fiction, with a novel-like narrative that's all too true.

Available also from

By Ha Jin
(Pantheon Books, 1999, 310 pages)
Price on Amazon: Hb $19.20  buy it
Winner of the 1999 National Book Award

A Review by CAI MALI

"Every summer Lin Kong returned to Goose Village to divorce his wife Shuyu." Thus begins Waiting, Ha Jin's beautiful, spare novel of love in contemporary China. Lin Kong is a principled, educated army doctor caught between the inheritance of his past - an arranged marriage to Shuyu, a simple, loyal peasant woman and model, traditional wife - and his dreams for his future - marriage to Manna Wu, a bright and pretty, modern woman who shares his life at the military hospital where they both work. Lin is unable to shed one life (family duty, and social pressures in his home village and workplace get in the way) and begin the other (his own reticence, arcane hospital rules, and fear of political and career repercussions prevent Lin and Manna from publicly acknowledging or consummating their relationship). Readers will be quickly drawn into Lin's tragic and touching annual quest for divorce, which he carries out over the course of eighteen years. Both the good Shuyu, whose bound feet, "granny clothes" and lack of education are a source of embarrassment to Lin, and Manna, whose love for Lin carries her to near spinsterdom, show extraordinary patience while the bookish Lin attempts to follow the rules of the old world, the new socialist world and the dictates of his heart.

The efficient, matter-of-fact prose offers surprising and beautiful imagery. Ha Jin is a master of the minor detail, evoking vividly the sights, sounds and smells of Chinese food, streets and dormitories. These will ring familiar and true to people who know China well. There are also occasional details that non-Chinese readers may still find breathtaking: "In the mid-1960s... "In the mid-1960s the hospital staff had only four medical school graduates on its staff. Lin Kong was one of them. The rest of the seventy doctors had been trained by the army itself through short-term courses and experience on the battlefields." Young women's acceptance in the military nursing school at the hospital was conditional upon physical examinations proving that they were virgins. Only an officer was allowed to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, so an enlisted soldier who showed an interest in Manna was out of bounds. Chinese lives in this realist story were regulated in intrusive ways that citizens in other countries may find unimaginable.

Readers may be relieved to know, however, that this is not another tale of hardship exposing the ruinous effects on families of the Cultural Revolution. Non-fiction memoirs have well covered this territory. Though the Cultural Revolution is alluded to and touches the characters, Ha Jin does not dwell on the larger, chaotic world outside the insular hospital compound in this period. None of the characters is overtly political, but politics to a large degree limits their options and drives their decisions in this small-scale drama.

This is quintessentially a Chinese tale: millions dutifully followed the social rules of the new state while for years putting their personal desires and dreams on hold. It is also a metaphor for all of Chinese society in the past half-century: a nation in waiting, unable to sever all ties from the traditional, with the promise of socialism just beyond reach. At the same time, the central themes of this story - duty, loyalty, and love, the betrayal of friendship, and the personal dilemmas that surround them - are universal. The particulars of Lin's dilemma are Chinese, but the struggles of simultaneously serving one's social obligations and one's heart belong to everyone.

General Interest

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China
  Brian Hook (Editor), D. Twitchett (Editor)
  Price at Amazon: $48.97 (Hb)  Buy It

Children in China
  Michael Karhausen (Photographer)
  Price at Amazon: $25.00 (Hb)  Buy It

The China Reader: The Reform Era
  Orville Schell & David Shambaugh, Editors
  Price at Amazon: $12.80 (Pb)  Buy It

China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power
  by Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl Wudunn
  Price at Amazon: $12.00 (Pb)  Buy It

Chinese Awakenings : Life Stories from the Unofficial China
  by James L., Jr. Tyson and Ann Scott Tyson
  Price at Amazon: $28.00 (Pb)  Buy It

Coming Home Crazy/an Alphabet of China Essays
  by Bill Holm
  Price at Amazon: $11.16 (Pb)  Buy It

D is for Doufu: An Alphabet Book of Chinese Culture
  by Maywan Shen Krach
  Price at Amazon: $17.95 (Lb)  Buy It

Red China Blues : My Long March from Mao to Now
  by Jan Wong
  Price at Amazon: $11.96 (Pb)  Buy It

Streetlife China
  by Michael Dutton
  Price at Amazon: $54.95 (Hb)  Buy It

Understanding China : A Guide to China's Economy, History, and Political Structure
  by John Bryan Starr
  Price at Amazon: $17.50 (Hb)  Buy It

History & Politics

A Borrowed Place : The History of Hong Kong
  by Frank Welsh, Gordon Wise
  Price at Amazon: $32.50 (Hb)  Buy It

China: A New History
  by John King Fairbank, Merle Goldman
  Price at Amazon: $13.56 (Pb)  Buy It


Almost a Revolution
  by Tong Shen, Marianne Yen
  Price at Amazon: $19.95 (Pb)  Buy It

Arts & Culture

China Pop : How Soap Operas, Tabloids and Bestsellers Are Transforming a Culture
  by Jianying Zha, Tranying Zha
  Price at Amazon: $10.40 (Pb, Hb also available)  Buy It


China: Lonely Planet Guide (6th edition, Sept 98)
  Edward Storey, et al.
  Price at Amazon: $23.96 (Pb)  Buy It

Business Section

The business section of our bookstore is open, with our reviews of several recommended books and many other suggested titles.



China Wakes

China Wakes

A vivid and thoughtful portrait of China by a Pulitzer Prize- winning husband-and-wife team of New York Times correspondents formerly in Beijing.

Consumer Revolution

Consumer Revolution

A fascinating overview of some of China's major consumer trends.

Mooncakes & Hungry Ghosts

Explores food, costumes, customs, performances and symbolism of Chinese festivals.

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