July 1999
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
(Translated by Virtual China)
Survey Method:
The survey was conducted from June 15 to June 30, 1999 using international polling standards. Information was gathered both by automatic search and a questionnaire survey. A survey link was placed on the homepage of 30 domestic WWW sites. Of the 66,283 total respondents to the survey, 52,549 responses were considered valid.
I. Number of computers connected to the Internet in China: 1,460,000
- Dedicated connection: 250,000
- Dial-in connection: 1,210,000
II. Number of individual Internet users in China: 4,000,000
- Dedicated connection: 760,000
- Dial-in connection: 2,560,00
- Both connections: 680,000
III. Category and Number of Domain Names Registered Under CN (China Net):
Category |
AC |
Number |
502 |
22220 |
615 |
1663 |
2221 |
649 |
1175 |
29045 |
*AADN: Administrative Area Domain Name
Category Distribution of Domain Names:
AC |
Number |
502 |
22220 |
615 |
1663 |
2221 |
649 |
1175 |
29045 |
Percentage |
2% |
76% |
2% |
6% |
8% |
2% |
4% |
Geographic Distribution of Domain Names:
Region |
Beijing |
Shanghai |
Tianjin |
Chongqing |
Hebei |
Shanxi |
Inner Mongolia |
Domain Name |
10661 |
2245 |
517 |
247 |
544 |
135 |
131 |
% |
36.71 |
7.73 |
1.78 |
0.85 |
1.87 |
0.46 |
0.45 |
Region |
Liaoning |
Jilin |
Heilongjiang |
Jiangsu |
Zhejiang |
Anhui |
Fujian |
Domain Name |
798 |
190 |
234 |
1480 |
1132 |
217 |
703 |
% |
2.75 |
0.65 |
0.81 |
5.1 |
3.9 |
0.75 |
2.42 |
Region |
Jiangxi |
Shandong |
Henan |
Hubei |
Hunan |
Guangdong |
Guangxi |
Domain Name |
131 |
1430 |
779 |
605 |
263 |
4349 |
334 |
% |
0.45 |
4.92 |
2.68 |
2.08 |
0.91 |
14.97 |
1.15 |
Region |
Hainan |
Sichuan |
Guizhou |
Yunnan |
Tibet |
Shaanxi |
Gansu |
Domain Name |
305 |
609 |
75 |
253 |
7 |
431 |
0.41 |
% |
1.05 |
2.1 |
0.26 |
0.87 |
0.02 |
1.48 |
0.41 |
Region |
Qinghai |
Ningxia |
Xinjiang |
Hong Kong |
Domain Name |
10 |
16 |
72 |
23 |
% |
0.03 |
0.06 |
0.25 |
0.08 |
IV. Number of WWW Sites in China: 9906 (approximate)
V. Total Bandwidth for International Connections:
241M, connected with USA, Canada, Australia, British, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, etc.
Bandwidth distribution by network:
Network |
Bandwidth (MB) |
8 |
195 |
8 |
18 |
12 |
% of Total |
3 |
82 |
3 |
7 |
5 |
VI. Demographic Data:
Under 16 |
16-20 |
21-25 |
26-30 |
31-35 |
36-40 |
41-50 |
51-60 |
Above 60 |
0.7% |
9.8% |
39.9% |
27.1% |
11.4% |
5.1% |
4.4% |
1.2% |
0.4% |
Marital status:
- Unmarried: 63%
- Married: 37%
Geographic distribution
Region |
Beijing |
Shanghai |
Tianjin |
Chongqing |
Hebei |
Shanxi |
Inner Mongolia |
% |
21.02 |
8.71 |
2.05 |
1.45 |
2.09 |
0.93 |
0.65 |
Region |
Liaoning |
Jilin |
Heilongjiang |
Jiangsu |
Zhejiang |
Anhui |
Fujian |
% |
3.43 |
1.06 |
2.16 |
6.76 |
5.97 |
1.53 |
3.72 |
Region |
Jiangxi |
Shandong |
Henan |
Hubei |
Hunan |
Guangdong |
Guangxi |
% |
1.19 |
4.19 |
1.54 |
3.74 |
2.23 |
11.77 |
1.56 |
Region |
Hainan |
Sichuan |
Guizhou |
Yunnan |
Tibet |
Shaanxi |
Gansu |
% |
0.44 |
5.11 |
0.31 |
1.03 |
0.02 |
2.76 |
0.72 |
Region |
Qinghai |
Ningxia |
Xinjiang |
Hong Kong |
Oversea |
% |
0.10 |
0.19 |
0.92 |
0.07 |
0.58 |
Under High School |
High School |
Junior College |
College |
Masters Degree |
Doctoral Degree |
2% |
12% |
27% |
48% |
9% |
2% |
Administrators / Manager sin government agencies or enterprise |
Professionals in bank, corporation, insurance and finance Industries, and Taxation Agencies |
Professionals in art, cinema, TV, other entertainment and sports |
Students |
3.4% |
5.3% |
0.5% |
19.3% |
Clerks in government agencies |
Professionals in service Industry |
Other professionals |
Teachers |
6.9% |
1.5% |
9.9% |
5% |
Professionals working for foreign-invested companies or joint-ventures |
Medical professionals |
Mass media professionals |
Workers |
8.9% |
1.5% |
1.8% |
1.7% |
Small business owners |
Military and law enforcement personals. |
Computer professionals |
Farmers |
2.2% |
1.3% |
14.9% |
0.2% |
Businessmen |
Telecom professionals |
Other |
5.8% |
7.4% |
2.5% |
Income in RMB/Month (US$1=RMB 8.28):
Under 500 |
500-1000 |
1000-2000 |
2000-4000 |
4000-6000 |
Above 6000 |
21% |
29% |
28% |
15% |
45% |
3% |
VII. Online Activity Patterns and Behaviors
Home |
Institution |
Internet Cafe |
Other |
44% |
47% |
4% |
5% |
Funding source for Internet connection:
Institution |
Private |
Both |
28% |
46% |
26% |
Time spent surfing (hours per week):
Within 1 |
1-5 |
6-10 |
11-20 |
Above 21 |
3% |
27% |
29% |
21% |
20% |
Operating system used:
Window 95/98 |
Window NT |
Linux |
Unix |
Other |
93.6% |
5.2% |
0.6% |
0.5% |
0.1% |
0.1% |
First daily login occurs at:
7:00 – 9:00 |
17% |
9: 00 - 11: 00 |
19% |
11:00 – 13:00 |
6% |
13:00 – 15:00 |
5% |
15:00-17:00 |
4% |
17:00 – 19:00 |
5% |
19:00-21:00 |
15% |
21:00 –23:00 |
17% |
23:00 – 1:00 |
8% |
1:00 – 4:00 |
2% |
4:00 – 7:00 |
2% |
Longest online period occurs at:
7:00 – 12:00 |
15% |
12:00 – 15:00 |
9% |
15:00 – 18:00 |
19% |
18:00 – 21:00 |
20% |
21:00 – 24:00 |
35% |
24:00 – 7:00 |
11% |
Reasons for going online:
- Acquire information: 65.8%
- Learn new technology skills such as using computers: 9.7%
- Required for Job: 9.4%
- Leisure: 8.2%
- Obtain free resources: 7.2%
- Convenient way to communicate: 5.3%
- Access stock information: 1.3%
- Inexpensive way to communicate: 1%
- Other: 0.9%
- To be trendy: 0.2%
Most frequently used net services:
- E-mail: 90.9%
- Search engine: 65.5%
- Software transmission and downloading: 59.6%
- Information acquiring: 54.8%
- Chat room: 29.2%
- BBS: 28%
- Free individual homepage hosting: 21.6%
- News Group: 21.4%
- Online game: 15.8%
- Online pager: 14.8%
- Online brokerage : 9.7%
- Internet phone: 8.4%
- Online shopping: 3.2%
- Other service: 0.7%
Main types of information acquired online:
- News: 84%
- Software and hardware information: 68%
- Online books: 52%
- Leisure and entertainment: 47%
- Science and educational: 41%
- Financial and security : 26%
- Trade/Commerce: 21%
- Employment information: 19%
- Travel: 14%
- Advertisement: 14%
- Medical: 10%
- Personal: 9%
- Other: 2%
Online content considered best:
- News: 80%
- Software and hardware: 59%
- Leisure and entertainment: 35%
- Online books: 35%
- Advertisement: 23%
- Financial and security: 22%
- Science and educational: 16%
- Trade/Commerce: 13%
- Employment: 8%
- Personal: 8%
- Travel: 5%
- Medical: 3%
- Other: 2%
Online content considered insufficient:
- Science and educational: 35%
- Medical: 34%
- Online books: 30%
- Employment: 27%
- Travel: 24%
- Trade/Commerce: 21%
- Software and hardware: 15%
- Leisure and entertainment: 13%
- Financial and security: 12%
- Personals: 12%
- News: 11%
- Advertisements: 7%
- Other: 7%
Main way to learn about new websites:
- Search engine: 69%
- Links in existing sites: 65%
- Newspaper and magazines: 56%
- Friends, classmates and co-workers: 36%
- Net friends: 21%
- WWW yellow books: 10%
- Radio and TV: 8%
- Other: 4%
Online problems solved mainly by:
- Checking printed computer and technical literature: 46%
- Asking computer savvy relatives and friends: 27%
- Searching for online help: 15%
- Ask ISP: 5%
- Ask a computer company: 3%
- Other: 3%
Main concerns in choosing an ISP:
- Connection speed: 43%
- Quality of service: 25%
- Price: 22%
- Name recognition: 6%
- Other: 4%
Personal homepage:
- Has: 24%
- Does not have: 76%
Personal homepage location:
- In domestic host: 88%
- In foreign host: 12%
Default page in browser:
- User’s ISP: 19%
- User’s company: 18.5%
- Other domestic ISP or ICP: 17%
- Browser default: 16%
- Other sites: 16.5%
- Personal Page: 6%
- Foreign ISP or ICP: 5%
- Sites of users’ professions: 3%
Browser default pages set by users:
4107: www.sina.com.cn
2112: www.sohoo.com.cn
1644: www.263.net
1384: Blank
1302: www.nease.net
1275: www.online.sh.cn
1142: www.163.net
851: www.yahoo.com
775: gbchinese.yahoo.com
725: www.microsoft.com
721: home.microsoft.com/intl/cn
627: www.szptt.net.cn
544: www.sc.cninfo.net
419: www.newshoo.com
395: www.szonline.net
353: www.xaonline.com
351: zys.126.com
328: www.21cn.com
319: www.pchome.net
316: www.tsinghua.edu.cn
308: www.rol.cn.net
307: www.cpcw.com
306: www.netscape.com
297: www.jlonline.com
291: www.zj.cninfo.net
283: www.gznet.com
267: home.microsoft.com
265: lanton.nethome.com.cn
263: www.bta.net.cn
241: freemail.263.net
223: home.netscape.com
221: www.wuhan.net.cn
207: www.online.tj.cn
203: www.cnnic.net.cn
198: www.yesite.com
178: www.uestc.edu.cn
170: www.pku.edu.cn
170: www.east.net.cn
165: www.hotmail.com
158: www.zz.ha.cn
155: www.chinabyte.com
153: www.qz.fj.cn
140: www.bupt.edu.cn
136: www.xjtu.edu.cn
134: www.xj.cninfo.net
134: www.ihw.com.cn
122: www.ustc.edu.cn
122: www.silversand.net
121: www.cnnb.net
117: www.he.cninfo.net
113: www.188.net
112: www.hn.cninfo.net
106: www.gbchinese.yahoo.com
105: www.cta.cq.cn
105: www.8848.net
104: www.sz.js.cn
104: www.infoweb.com.cn
103: www.dlut.edu.cn
100: www.fz.fj.cn
VIII. Major Issues of Concern to Users
- Slow speed: 49. 3%
- High cost: 36.8%
- No Chinese information: 9.1%
- Too complicated to use: 1.6%
- Poor ISP service quality: 1.6%
- Other: 1%
- Surfing is useless: 0.6%
Good ISP service requires:
- Rich information, timely updates, and useful features such as free e-mail, free software, and stock information: 73.5%
- Comparatively fast speed: 17.0%
- Good design and easy to use: 4.3%
- Good interactivity and easy to communicate with net friends: 5.2%
Evaluation of user’s ISP quality:
Very good |
Good |
Average |
Not good |
Bad |
4% |
27% |
56% |
9% |
4% |
Opinion about online advertisements:
- Click often and got much useful information: 6%
- Click sometime just to support favorite sites: 19.5%
- Click infrequently, only if I see something interesting: 49%
- Never click, but don’t dislike online advertisements either: 20%
- Hate online ads because they make downloading time longer: 6%
When I do click an online advertisement it’s because the ad:
- Is well designed and interesting: 45%
- Promises an award: 20%
- It’s on a favorite site that I trust: 20%
- The ad has been sent to my personal e-mail box: 8%
- Other: 7%
About online shopping I am:
- Willing to do it later when the technology is more mature: 85%
- Not willing to do it even when the technology is mature: 15%
- Willing to buy any kind of product online: 13%
- Willing to buy only certain types of products online such as books and CDs; I will never be willing to buy expensive goods like electronics online, but
- I may check information about those kinds of goods and then buy them later at a traditional retail store: 52%
- Willing only check product information online: 29%
- Will neither check product information nor buy anything online: 6%
The main problem with online shopping is:
- Poor quality of products and service: 34%
- Lack of transaction security: 30%
- Lack of transaction convenience: 22%
- Price is not attractive enough: 8%
- Poor delivery service: 6%
The most promising online service in the future is:
- Paid information service: 20%
- Internet communication: 20%
- Online shopping: 16%
- Online school: 11%
- Virtual community: 9%
- Online brokerage: 8%
- Online games and entertainment: 6%
- Online user-chosen programs: 4%
- Website construction: 3%
- Online hospital: 2%
- Other: 1%
IX. China’s Most Popular Websites (number of recommendations given)
12799: www.sina.com.cn
11402: www.sohu.com (www.sohoo.com.cn)
10374: www.263.net
9760: www.yahoo.com
9044: www.nease.net (www.netease.com, www.163.com)
8791: www.163.net
6315: gbchinese.yahoo.com
3242: www.cpcw.com
2941: www.online.sh.cn
2103: www.21cn.com
1759: www.chinabyte.com
1689: www.cctv.com
1402: www.gznet.com
1295: freemail.263.net
1250: www.hotmail.com
1182: www.szptt.net.cn
1080: www.yeah.net
1078: www.pchome.net
1071: www.cnnic.net.cn
998: www.microsoft.com
970: www.peopledaily.com.cn
866: www.sc.cninfo.net
859: www.east.net.cn
830: www.yesite.com
773: www.soim.com
765: www.download.com.cn
750: www.szonline.net
742: www.newshoo.com
723: www.188.net
722: www.tsinghua.edu.cn
713: www.ihw.com.cn
703: www.990.net
607: www.bta.net.cn
599: www.rol.cn.net (www.readchina.com)
597: www.playpc.com
581: www.silversand.net
566: www.nba.com
552: www.zj.cninfo.net
543: www.china.com
541: www.playpc.net
518: www.hn.cninfo.net