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Recipe of the Week

Here's a tasty dish that easy to make! Very good for your skin and heart. Enjoy!

Spicy Tofu
Spicy Tofu

Ingredients (serves 2 or 3):

1 large square of tofu, cut into inch cubes
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp finely diced garlic
1 tbsp finely diced ginger

1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp chili sauce with beanpaste
pinch of ground pepper
1 tsp finely diced scallion greens
1 tsp corn starch
1 1/2 tsp water


(1) Put tofu in boiling water for two or three minutes. Place in a bowl.
(2) Put water, oil, garlic, ginger, chili sauce, and salt in the wok and mix together. Trn on medium heat.
(3) After oil, water, and spices are boiling, add the tofu. Stir.
(3)Cook tofu for two or three minutes, then add ground pepper, and corch starch & water mixture.
(4) Stir. Turn off heat and put the tofu on a plate.
(5) Add the diced scallion greens over tofu. You're finished!


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