When the issues demand greater attention and discussion the Virtual China Forum will bring your voice together the thoughts of businessmen, digerati, diplomats, economists, publishers, artists and scholars. Read the responses to our first Virtual China Forum about how China and the Internet will change each other in the 21st century and then consider the next forum question. Reply by November 14, 1999, to have your views aired along with those of other thinkers who care from around the globe. Thank you.
Virtual China Forum, #2.
Given the official ban on foreign investment in China's IT sector--notwithstanding the tremendous IPO success of China.com in July, and the rise of online trading services--are Chinese Internet companies a safe investment?
Reply now [LINK], or, if you want to research the question [LINK] before you reply, link to articles on the subject
Empire of the Son: Richard Li's Project to Wire All of China
E-China: Putting Business on the Internet
The WuWay
My first very Trading Views (the one with the image of Jerry Yang behind a saloon door).